
Key 1: The Archimedean Spiral is defined by a set of equations as defined on this web page:
x = (a + b*angle) * cos(f*angle)
y = (a + b*angle) * sin(f*angle)

Key 2: Fermat's Spiral
x = a*sqrt(angle)*cos(angle)
y = a*sqrt(angle)*sin(angle)

Key 3: Logarithmic Spiral
x = a*exp(e*angle)*cos(angle)
y = a*exp(e*angle)*sin(angle)

Key 4: Archimedian Spiral transformed (e^x cos y, e^x sin y)

Key 5: Fermat's Spiral transformed (e^x cos y, e^x sin y)

Key 6: Logarithmic Spiral transformed (e^x cos y, e^x sin y)

Key 'm': Toggle between the modes:

Mode 1: lines

Mode 2: points

Mode 3: circles with increasing sizes

Mode 4: individually colored circles with increasing sizes

Mode 5: individually colored lines

Change the values of the parameters by using the sliders:
a = Parameter used in spiral equations
b = Archimedean Spiral parameter
c = Number of rotations through 360 degrees
d = Angle increment control
expand = radius multiplier controlling how fast circles enlarge
lambda = stroke weight
f = Archimedean Spiral parameter

Key 'r': Redraw with a random set of parameters.

Key 'e': Save a high-resolution PNG of the current image.

Mouse pressed: redraw.

The p5js code

This p5js code is scrollable.